Berean Baptist Academy Athletics

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Berean Baptist Academy

Athletic Manual 2024-2025






Berean Athletics enhances Berean Baptist Academy’s mission by employing the unique platform of athletics to develop Christian character, a desire for excellence, and Christ-centered relationships. In providing opportunities for interscholastic competition, the athletic department seeks to reinforce that everything should be done to glorify God (I Cor. 10:31). In the context of athletic activity, the student is exposed to many spiritual concepts, including the importance of self-discipline (I Cor. 9:27), respect for others (Eph. 4:32), proper use of God-given abilities (Matt. 25:14-30), the pursuit of excellence (Col. 3:23), time management (Eph. 5:16) and submission to authority (Rom. 13:2). Ultimately, a Christian athletic program should produce an enhanced Christian character in the participant as well as the spectator.



Note from Administration

Thank you for being a part of the athletic program here at BBA. Athletics is a tool that can be used to teach life-long lessons and help develop a Christian lifestyle. It is the goal of Berean Baptist Academy that all our students, staff, and parents exemplify Christ-likeness in all that they do. The purpose of this manual is to maintain consistency and fairness for our athletic program.


Berean Baptist Academy requires athletes as well as parents to read and sign this manual. Knowing the school’s expectations will help athletes strive to do their best and help parents to properly support the athletic program. Thank you in advance for your support. We look forward to working alongside you.



Heidi Ueltzen, Athletic Director


Jack Farmer, Head of School


Conference Affiliation

Berean Baptist Academy is a member of the North Carolina Independent School Athletic Association (NCISAA), the Sandhills Athletic Conference (SAC), and the Sandhills Eastern Middle School Athletic Association (SEMSAC).


Berean Baptist Academy

Burlington Christian Academy

The Burlington School

Caldwell Academy

Carolina Friends School

Davidson Day School

The Epiphany School of Global Studies

Faith Christian School

Fayetteville Academy

Freedom Christian Academy

Friendship Christian School

Gaston Day School

Harrells Christian Academy

Hickory Christian Academy

John Paul II Catholic High School

Liberty Christian Academy

Neuse Christian Academy

Northside Christian Academy

Northwood Temple Academy

The O’Neal School

Rocky Mount Academy

St. Thomas More Academy

Salem Baptist

Statesville Christian School

Thales Academy – Rolesville

Thales Academy – Apex

Trinity Academy

Trinity Christian School

Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill

University Christian High School

Village Christian Academy

Wayne Christian School

Wayne Country Day School

Westchester Country Day School

Westminster Catawba Christian School



SAC (Sandhills Athletic Conference)

Berean Baptist Academy

Fayetteville Christian School

Village Christian Academy

Freedom Christian Academy

Northwood Temple Academy

Trinity Christian School

O'Neal School



SEMSAC Teams (2021-2022)

Berean Baptist Academy

Freedom Christian Academy

Village Christian Academy

Fayetteville Academy

Northwood Temple Academy

O’Neal School

Fayetteville Christian School



BBA Mission Statement


Berean Baptist Academy’s mission is to assist the parents of Berean Baptist Church, the greater Fayetteville area, and our global partners in the formation of Christian students through an education focused on responsible citizenship, academic scholarship, and servant leadership, all for the glory of God.


BBA Core Values


1.     Absolute Truth is the basis of honesty and integrity. Absolute Truth is derived from the Greek word Alethia. It applies to our speech and our actions. It compels us to take ownership of our mistakes, and it drives us in our studies. Christ embodied truth and told Pilate before His death that he came to bear witness to the truth and all those who are His hear the truth. This fact is why we listen to the voice of truth in every area of our studies.


2.     God-Like Love is an unconditional love that never waivers. The Greek word Agape, which we translate as love, means a love that transcends. When we love one another, we can practice patience. When we love one another, we can forgive wrongs. When we love one another, we can look beyond ethnic, economic, regional, and national differences. When we love one another, all men will know that we are Jesus’ disciples. This type of love is one of the reasons BBA hosts one of the most diverse student bodies with students from all over the United States, Asia, Africa, and Europe.


3.     Moral Excellence is sometimes translated from the Greek word Arete as virtue. Virtue is doing what is right no matter the situation. For us, moral excellence builds on the concepts of truth and love. When we know the truth, and when we love God and people, we will do what is right. We will seek to assist other people. We will perform all of our tasks to completion and the best of our abilities. We are not willing to take shortcuts and underperform. This character trait is one of the reasons that BBA students and alumni hold a good reputation as hardworking, dependable citizens in our community.


4.     Unity of the Spirit comes from a Greek Henotes, which means “as one”. We have a Preschool. We have an Elementary School. We have a Middle School and a High School. We are not four schools. We are one; We are Berean Baptist Academy. Our students go to many churches, but we are one academy. We come from many families, but we are one academy. It is the unity provided by the Holy Spirit that allows us to be many members in one body. It is why we can say, “Whether, at home, church, or school, we are called by Christ. We are committed to proclaiming Him, because no matter where we are, we are Christian.”



BBA Expected Student Outcomes


BBA has established the following student outcomes to measure our ability to produce G.R.A.D.S.:

As Growing Disciples our students will:

· Believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ

· Integrate biblical principles and values into life

· Exhibit Christ-like virtues and ethics

· Know the Bible narrative, concepts, and major doctrines

· Recognize that they are an image bearer of God

· Actively participate in their local church by being a member and serving in a ministry

As Responsible Citizens our students will:

· Utilize and care for all resources responsibly as a gift from God

· Respect diversity while rejecting sin and false doctrines

· Work well with people and work hard to accomplish goals

· Work with little or no supervision

· Practice financial stewardship

· Seek to promote Christ’s kingdom

As students who achieve Academic Excellence, our students will:

· Analyze and synthesize concepts within various contexts

· Possess a broad base of knowledge

· Pursue ongoing learning to prepare for the next stage, to include a career

· Exhibit the ability to integrate content from multiple subjects

· Exhibit the ability to think creatively and critically

· Utilize technology responsibly and effectively

Students who possess the ability to Discern Truth will:

· Make ethical decisions from a biblical worldview

· Think logically and ascertain the truth

· Possess the ability to develop, articulate, and defend a biblical worldview

· Make decisions in dress and deportment that presents the student as modest and appropriate to the setting

· Participate in social media in a manner that promotes godliness and sensitivity to others

· Choose entertainments that do not detract from the reputation of Christianity

A student who is characterized as a Servant Leader will:

· Use their gifts and talents to serve others -Cultivate their talents and use them in ministry

· Steward their time and resources in order to assist others

· Model a Christ-like lifestyle with their peers

· Humbly serve their parents and siblings at home

· Actively care for members of the greater community through prayer and acts of service




Athletic Department Objectives


1.     Offer a well-balanced and diverse program of interscholastic athletics that complements BBA’s total educational program and reflects the diversity of our student body.

2.     Provide a Christian coaching staff characterized by the highest levels of professional instruction and supervision.

3.     Establish mentoring relationships between coaches and athletes that last beyond the playing field.

4.     Train students to view athletics and competition from a biblical perspective.

5.     Model and encourage the development of self-discipline, a strong work ethic, self-sacrifice, loyalty, and pride in one’s team.

6.     Model and develop physical training and nutritional habits that not only increase the athlete’s performance on the playing field, but also instill lifelong healthy behaviors.

7.     Communicate the value of commitment, teamwork, and cooperation.

8.     Cultivate a respect for authority, teammates, opponents, and the game itself.

9.     Partner with the parents and community in helping their athlete reach his/her fullest potential.

10.  Increase student and spectator interest and involvement in each sport.



Athlete Responsibilities


1.     Follow all school, NCCSA and SEMSAC rules and standards.

2.     Respect all decisions of coaches, teachers, parents, and administrators.

3.     Respect official’s judgments and decisions and abide by them.

4.     Dress appropriately and neatly on all trips.

5.     Turn in all issued athletic equipment immediately after the completion of a sports season.

6.     Report all injuries, even minor ones, to a head coach or trainer without delay.



Coach Responsibilities

Must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and must be in complete agreement with Berean Baptist Academy’s Mission Statement, Core Values, and Statement of Faith.

2.     Must promote and enforce the Berean Athletic handbook and athlete code of conduct.

3.     Must develop and demonstrate a good knowledge base of best practice specific to their coaching area.

4.     Must model good sportsmanship to players, fans, and officials at all times.

5.     Must maintain open and honest communication with students, parents, and other coaches.

6.     Must provide an atmosphere of collaboration and teamwork among coaches and players.

7.     Must create and maintain a safe and healthy environment for student athletes.

8.     Must be a positive role model by being an integral part of the Berean community and understanding his/her leadership style and its impact on student athletes.

9.     Must support and encourage student academic expectations, responsibilities, and achievements.


Parent Responsibilities


1.     Model appropriate behavior, poise, and confidence to your student-athlete.

2.     Attend the early season parent meeting.

3.     View the game with team goals in mind.

4.     Attempt to relieve pressure on your student-athlete, not increase it.

5.     Encourage multi-sport participation.

6.     Accept the judgment of officials and coaches; remain in control.

7.     Demonstrate winning and losing with integrity. Be an encourager: encourage athletes to keep their perspective both in victory and defeat.

8.     Serve at the athletic gate at least twice during each season.





Athletic Lettering Requirements:

These requirements for varsity letters cover all sports:

-        Must maintain a 2.0 GPA and have no classes under 60 during the sports season.

-        Exemplify BBA and Athletic core values.

-        Attend all practices, games, meets, or matches, unless excused by the coach, parent, or doctor.

-        Contribute to the team’s success.

-        The head coach will recommend athletes for varsity letters at the end of the season, and the AD will make the final decision on any letters.

-        Injured athletes who meet the “playing time” criteria up until the point of injury may receive a letter at the discretion of the coach and AD. Injured athletes must still attend all practices and games unless there is a medical reason for them to not attend.

-        Managers who hold the position for at least 2 seasons in the same sport may earn a letter. Only those, who in the judgement of the coach, have made a significant commitment of time and effort shall be awarded the letter.


Individual Sport Requirements:

-        Baseball and Softball: Play in at least 50% of the total number of games.

-        Basketball: Play in at least 50% of the total number of games.

-        Cross Country: Compete in 75% of the total number of matches.

-        Football: Compete in 50% of total seasons quarters of varsity football.

-        Golf: Participate in 50% of the varsity matches.

-        Volleyball: Play in 50% of total season games.

-        Cheer: Participate in 75% of total number of games.

-        Soccer: Play in at least 50% of the total number of games


Athlete Awards:


Tri-Sport Athlete:

-        Athlete must letter in 3 sports in the same year.

-        Athlete must remain in good standing throughout all 3 seasons to be considered for the award.

-        Athlete will be awarded a plaque at the Spring Athletic Banquet and will have his or her name inscribed on a plaque by the Athletic Office.


Scholar Athlete:

-        Athlete must letter in two sports and must finish in the top 10% of his / her class.

-        Athlete must remain in good standing throughout the year.

-        Athlete will be awarded a plaque at the Spring Athletic Banquet and will have his or her name inscribed on a plaque by the Athletic Office.



Athlete of the Year:

-        Athlete must letter in 2 sports in the same year he/she is in consideration for this award.

-        Athlete must remain in good standing throughout the year to be considered for this award.

-        Athlete must consistently display an attitude and character traits consistent with BBA’s Athletic Core Values and GRADS.

-        Athlete must have a significant part in helping his or her team accomplish goals on and off the field.

-        Athletes will be nominated by head coaches no later than April 15th of each year. BBA Faculty, Staff, and Administration input will be taken into consideration when deciding the winner of this award.

-        Athlete will be awarded a plaque at the Spring Athletic Banquet as well as a $500 scholarship paid to the college of his or her choice. He or she will also have his or her name inscribed in a plaque by the Athletic Office.




Communication/Conflict Resolution Policy


1.     Parent/Student to Coaches

-        All concerns about teams must first be presented to the head coach by the parents, or if the player is mature enough, by the athlete himself. A respectful demeanor is required at all times. These concerns must not be brought up before or after a contest. These are emotional times for a parent and a coach and are not wise times to make an attempt toward a resolution of a problem. We request that an appointment is made with the coach to discuss any issues.

-        If the problem is not resolved, the parent and/or student may bring the concern to the Athletic Director. If the student brings the concern, he/she must have permission from his parents to do so. Please use the same courtesies listed above when contacting the athletic director. The parent should attempt to resolve all issues with the coach and athletic director before utilizing the Head of School’s open-door policy.

-        A parent conference may be requested as needed.


2.     Coaches to Parents

-        Coaches should respond to parent telephone calls or email messages within 24-48 hours.

-        A formal parent pre-season meeting is required after the roster has been finalized.

-        Informal conferences should be arranged as needed.

-        If a parent and coach cannot resolve a difficulty, the Athletic Director may be contacted.


These principles that we have chosen to follow are taken directly from Matthew 18:15-16. In no way should a parent attempt to undermine a coach’s authority or decision making




Each athlete is a representative of the ministry of BBA and must reflect a positive testimony in actions, behavior, and speech (1 Timothy 4:12). Coaches are employees of the school and carry out all school policies and standards of behavior for athletes as set forth by the administration. Disciplinary actions will be enforced for misconduct. Serious offenses are brought to the attention of the administration.


Due to the fact that BBA seeks to instill moral character into student athletes, student athletes who receive a school suspension may be put on probation from the team. On days of suspension, student athletes may not participate in their team’s practice. If the suspension occurs on a game day, the student may not participate in the game that night.


Dress Code

Practices-  All athletes may wear t-shirts or tank tops and shorts for practice. Shorts should have a minimum of a 5" inseam. Tops should not have any logos or wording that go against the core values of BBA. Tops should be modest in appearance. Female athletes may wear dark-colored spandex style full-length workout pants. Spandex style shorts that come above the knee are not allowed. 

Travel- All athletes on a certain team will dress alike. Athletes must wear their team jersey and warmup while traveling to a game Monday through Friday. If they are not wearing their BBA issued uniform, male athletes must wear a minimum of jeans and a collared shirt, and female athletes must wear a minimum of a nice top, skirt or pants. Coaches reserve the right to decide if the team will travel in uniform or not.

Game Days- Cheerleaders may wear their full uniform on game days. All other teams must follow the school dress code. Coaches may request that young men wear a shirt and tie.

Administration reserves the right to change the dress code if needed.


Rules for Eligibility


School Attendance/Discipline

Students involved in the athletic program must be in school for 50% of their physical school day in order to participate in a game or practice that day. Exceptions to the rule would be for preapproved family days and doctor appointments.

A student accumulating three detentions from the beginning of each season shall miss one game. Two more detentions will suspend him/her from another game. The season begins on the first practice day of that sport. Detentions do not accumulate from season to season. A student accumulating seven detentions from the beginning of the season shall be off the team for the remainder of that season.



Practice/Game Attendance

Practices are a vital part of any team’s success. If a practice needs to be cancelled due to weather or some other conflict, a notification will be communicated immediately to parents. If an athlete anticipates missing a practice or a game, prior notice should be given to the coach.


Players must be at every practice and game unless excused for one of the following reasons:

-        Doctor or dental appointment

-        Personal sickness

-        Death in the family

-        Previously scheduled church commitment

-        Approved family day or college day

The coach should be notified if the player is going to miss a practice/game whether it is excused or unexcused.

If a player is injured, he/she is still part of the team. Therefore, they will be required to attend every game and practice.

If a player misses a practice/game for any other reason, the following disciplinary procedures will be followed:

-        1st infraction: ½ game suspension

-        2nd infraction: 2 game suspension

-        3rd infraction: 4 game suspension

-        4th infraction: dismissal from team

If a player quits the team or is suspended because of practice requirements, the player will not be able to participate in the next two sports. For example: If a player quits basketball, he/she will be unable to play a spring sport or next year’s fall sport. We strongly believe the student is giving a commitment to the team and should remain with the team no matter the circumstance.

All coaches will announce their discipline procedures for being late. If a player is late three times to a practice or game, it will count as an absence.

Student-Athletes who are planning on attending Berean may attend summer workouts and practices for any sports team. Starting August 1st, each student-athlete should complete enrollment and not have any outstanding financial accounts before they can attend tryouts and official team practices.



Each athlete will be held to the same standard academically and must stay within the guidelines as stated below in order to remain eligible to participate on game days.


During the sports season, all eligible athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA and may not have 59 or below in any class. Their GPA and individual class grades will be calculated as an average of the current academic year in which their sport is played. Quarters will be averaged together to achieve the final grade at each grade check.

Grades will be checked every four weeks. If an athlete has more than 1 D in any core class (English, Bible, Math, Science, History) or more than 1 D in elective classes (PE, languages, etc), as well as any failing classes, that athlete will be placed on academic probation for a minimum of two weeks of the new quarter. During this probation, the athlete must attend all practices and home games but will not travel to away games. The coach reserves the right to make the athlete on probation do homework during practice time. At the end of the two-week time period, the athlete may return to the team as soon as his or her grades reach the minimum allowed. The athlete and parent will be notified by an email from the AD as soon as probation is over.

An athlete who wishes to try out for a sports team must have a 2.0 GPA and may not have any grades below a 60 on his or her last quarter report card. Athletes who are trying out for a fall sport must meet this criteria from the previous school year. (Ex: an athlete trying out for girls volleyball in May must have at least a 2.0 GPA and cannot fail any classes by the time final report cards come out).

A missing assignments report will be run every Wednesday of the school year. If an athlete has 5 or more missing assignments in his or her core and elective classes combined, that athlete will go home for practice or game that Thursday. The athlete can return to practice or the game on Friday if cleared by the AD. The athlete will meet with a teacher or athletic guidance counselor to develop a plan to stay on top of homework assignments. If the athlete has a pre-scheduled doctor’s appointment or family emergency, the athlete may work with the coach and AD to find a different day to meet with the teacher. Failure to attend the athletic study hall will result in suspension from the next contest of that season.

3 athletic study halls = 1 game suspension

5 athletic study halls = 2 game suspension

7 athletic study halls = 3 game suspension




All athletes participating in BBA athletics must have record of a current physical on file with the school office. The physical is good for one year previous to the tryout date for the sport in which the athlete is participating. (Ex: Volleyball tryouts are on 8/5/2019; physical must be dated after 8/5/2018). An athlete will not be able to participate in any interscholastic games until a proper athletic physical is on file with the school office.  Forms can be found on the school website under the admissions tab. Please turn in your completed form to the athletic office.




During academic ineligibility or school suspension, the following guidelines will be observed:


1. The student will not be allowed to dress out or participate in any games or scrimmages.

2. The student will not be allowed to attend team practices.

            3. The student will attend and sit on the bench at home games.

            4. The student will not travel with the team for away games.






All athletes must travel with the team to all away games. A school-owned or school-rented vehicle will be provided for travel to and from all away games. A team member may ride home with his parent(s) or legal guardian provided that the coach is informed by written or verbal communication prior to leaving. A student may leave the game with another student’s family only if written permission has been given by his parent or legal guardian and by those with whom he will be riding. Students will not be allowed to leave the game with just another student. There must be an adult present.


Travel Agreement

During the athletic season at BBA, there will be many events in which the team members of the soccer, volleyball, cheerleading, basketball, and baseball teams will be travelling via church or school vehicle to practice fields and rival schools for competition. It is the school’s policy to obtain permission from the individual player’s parents or guardians in order to transport him off the school property and to a specific location for a sporting event or practice. All drivers for the events are certified with a current CDL license, and the head coach for the team will travel in the same vehicle as the team.




Concessions Help

Parents of our athletes are expected to help at least twice in the concession area or taking admission during the season. A signup sheet will be sent out by email at the beginning of each season.




Extreme care and caution should be taken in the use of facilities that have been provided for students at BBA. Each player is responsible to ensure that every field and court (both home and away) is left in the condition in which it was found. No player will be permitted to leave without first receiving permission from the coach. Any athlete defacing or destroying property will be disciplined according to school policy. Activities by teams should be limited to the area specifically designated for the team’s use. All other areas are off limits.



Medical Release

It is the policy of the school to obtain a medical release which would authorize the school to allow a physician or emergency medical personnel to treat a student in need of medical attention. Be advised, this is not a waiver enabling a student to take prescription medication or permitting a school staff member to administer prescription medication. Please contact the athletic director for a medical administration form.


Team Involvement

As the athletic program continues to expand and enhance, it is required that a student not participate in more than one sport or team per season without prior administrative approval. This policy helps to avoid conflicting events such as practices and games between those sports.



The school has made a significant investment into the uniforms that each athlete wears. With this in mind, each uniform must be washed after each game and be well taken care of each season. The athletic director and coaches will inventory each item loaned to the athlete, and each athlete will be held accountable for the individual cost of those items. Each uniform must be returned washed (per uniform instructions) and in its entirety in a plastic bag with the athlete’s name 7 days after the last game of the season. Uniforms will not be accepted otherwise.


If a uniform is not returned on time, the replacement cost of the uniform will be added to the student’s school bill. Once the uniform is returned in its proper condition, the fee will be removed from the student’s account. If a student loses any part of the uniform or returns it damaged, the athlete will be responsible to pay for the replacement cost.


Athletic equipment can go home with the coach but not an athlete. Under no circumstances will equipment be checked out to athletes for personal or home use.